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Leadership Site

To get started with running a version of the leadership site locally follow these steps:


Before going through these steps make sure that you have access to Doppler. You can get access by signing in with your ACM account. Additionally make sure to install the Doppler CLI.

  • Clone the repo git clone
  • Run cd leadership to enter the leadership site directory
  • Run doppler login and sign in with your ACM account when prompted to.
  • Run doppler setup and select the leadership project with the dev config in the cli prompts.

These steps will setup the project locally with all the environment variables needed.


  • Run npm install
  • Run npm run dev

If you are using Windows, running npm run dev may cause some errors. By default this project is setup to inspect server side logs and print them to the terminal window running the application. If there are any issues remove the NODE_OPTIONS='--inspect' from the scripts section of the package.json file for npm run dev.

After running these steps you should be able to open up http://localhost:3000 and view the leadership site!